“Wonderful Work! I loved your two pieces in the show at Expressiones. And the woman who wrote the text that you incorporated would be so thrilled to see them! Might you have photos of the two pieces that I might bring to York [women prison in Niantic, CT] to show her and the other women? I would love to meet up sometime...” 2011 -Judy Dworin, author of TIME IN, reflections of women in Jail.
“Corina, your work integrates a powerful social statement with an aesthetic poetic space” 2011 - Ava Orphanoudakis, painter and naturalist.
“Corina Alvarezdelugo has given us a beautiful sculpture entitled Golden Pig to add levity and delight to the show. This pig has no eyes, no arms, no legs, but only a snout and ears. It is luminous in its material, seeming to glow from within. Its perfectly round form is all it needs to express the perfection of the female form. The irony becomes empowering as this pig takes ownership of her shape and beauty” 2010 - Alyssa Monks, nationally recognized artist and educator, Juror of the 2010 CT Women Artists juried Exhibition.
“Corina S. Alvarezdelugo is an extremely talented artist. Three of her sculptures were recently selected to win top prizes in the Manhattan Arts International "Celebrate HerStory" exhibition. I was delighted to be one of the jurors to select her work. Everything about her art and submission were of the highest professional quality possible.” 2009 -Renee Phillips, Founder and Director, Editor-in-Chief, Manhattan Arts International. Member of the International Association of Art Critics
“Corina's work has been familiar to me for almost ten years and I'm particularly excited about her new direction. Her round ceramic sculptures bring together everything that has driven her work up to now. These (sometimes) creatures are full of life (Rhino), often funny (The Prince) and sometimes startling (Global Warming). One of the most remarkable things about these table sized works is the exquisite attention to surface. The texture and color of these spheres is subtle, varied and complex. My personal favorite is quack as it combines all those things that make Corina's work strong. Quack is a simple, delightful, beautiful form. Corina also makes lovely two dimensional work that reveal her ceramic expertise. Mixed media work such as Between Reality and Insanity uses sophisticated glazes as if it was made in clay. At the heart of all this work is an artistic eye that calls attention to the power and evocation of elemental forms." 2009 -Kim Salerno, Fine Artist, Per Course Instructor, University of Rhode Island
“...Corina is a true professional artist; [she] has a vivid inner vision and, because of her extended knowledge of several media is able to transpose her creative visions into beautiful work of arts. I have been following her career for many years and she has never failed to impressed me with the quality of her work which is always innovative, graceful and most importantly without compromise; her personal spiritual involvement can be felt through her work resulting in a meaningful sharing experience." 2009 -Sylvie Treu, Sculptor and Goldsmith
“Corina Alvarezdelugo is a very accomplished multimedia artist. She is very professional, and prolific. She maintains her own website. I much admire her endless creativity” 2009 -Charles Young, Photographer, The Society of Connecticut Sculptors.
“I really like your [Corina's] work, the social consciousness and the use of language.” -Marilyn Green, Fine Artist, painter